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Violence Against the Elderly

The simple definition of elder abuse is any act intentional (or due to negligence) that puts an older adult (60 years of age or older) at risk of harm. In the state of New Jersey you can bring up a civil case against an abuser (or Nursing Home) with the goal of receiving compensation for such damages.

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    Examples of possible reasons for such a suit include:

    • failing to provide sufficient care
    • the over-prescription of certain pharmaceuticals
    • fraudulent financial practices
    • failing to provide sufficient care
    • inflicting physical harm
    • sexual exploitation


    What are the warning signs of elder abuse?

    While there’s no single signifier of elder abuse, there are several signs that may indicate a problem:

    • Bruises, burns, and broken bones may all be a sign of abuse or mistreatment
    • An unexplained depression or withdrawal from normal activities can sometimes be indicators of emotional abuse
    • Bruises around the breast or genitals may be signs of sexual abuse
    • Bed sores and poor hygiene are often associated with neglect
    • Verbal altercations between caregivers and patients may hint at deeper issues of abuse

    Who should I contact if I suspect elder abuse?

    We are all responsible for the safekeeping and care of the elderly. If someone is in immediate, life-threatening danger then immediately call the police or 911.

    If there is no immediate danger but you still suspect abuse than it’s important to reach local Adult Protective Services, the Department of Health, the NJ Long-Term Care Ombudsman, and again local police.

    Once you know that your loved-one is safe, then call us. Because we will work without reprieve for justice and compensation.

    How can elder abuse be prevented?

    An educated populace is most powerful tool we have in preventing elder abuse. Awareness goes a long way in creating safer communities. In addition this knowledge we must also have the courage to report abuse and the determination to file lawsuits against perpetrators.


    Speak with our attorneys for specific information about filing an elder abuse lawsuit.

    One of the most vulnerable group in our country, the elderly are completely dependent on their abusers for their care. From nursing homes to immediate family, abusers can be anyone close to them. Let our lawyers take a help them escape their abusers and get the justice they deserve.