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New Jersey Domestic Violence Lawyer

Often times, in addition to a criminal case against a domestic abuser, there will also be a strong possibility for the development of a civil lawsuit under the system of tort law. Damages can be assessed for all of the losses both monetary and otherwise that may have occurred as a result of this violence.

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    Domestic violence can be defined as any pattern of abusive behavior that can be used exert to control another family member.

    This includes but is not limited to:

    • Physical abuse
    • Sexual abuse
    • Emotional abuse
    • Economic abuse
    • Psychological abuse

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Who can I turn to for help if I am the victim of domestic violence?

    In an emergency please call 911. The police most likely have resources to effectively protect you from the dangers of a domestic abuser.

    Can I file a domestic violence lawsuit against my abuser?

    Of course.

    Even if you have gone to criminal court against your abuser and lost the case, there may still be the possibility for a victory in civil court. Do not be discouraged. Justice and monetary compensation are still a possibility.

    What types of damages are possible to domestic violence victims?

    You may be eligible for compensation of lost wages, medical expenses, for your pain and suffering, and punitive damages.

    Can men be victims of domestic abuse?

    Anyone can be a victim of domestic violence, including men. People of all races, genders, religions, sexual orientations, and socioeconomic backgrounds can be victims. Domestic violence laws typically protect men and women with the same level of action.


    Involved in an auto accident? You may be entitled to financial assistance.

    The immediate aftermath of a auto accident can be extremely stressful. Insurance, police statements, costs of repair and so many other factors can cripple you emotionally, financially and physically. Please reach out and speak to one of our lawyers to get the help you deserve.