NJ Law firm and SMILE deliver bikes and smiles

Please click here to read the original article, published by the NJ Herald and written by Jennifer Jean Miller.
HOPATCONG – When 10 children in the area look under their Christmas trees this year, shiny, new bicycles and matching helmets will be waiting for them, thanks to the efforts of about 25 local elves.
The teams from the Law Firm of Gruber, Colabella, Thompson, Hiben & Montella and SMILE of Hopatcong – a 501(c)(3) non-profit group home for developmentally-disabled men – celebrated their joint holiday party on Wednesday differently than others typically do. Rather than gift exchanges, as Christmas music floated in the air of SMILE’s community room, the teams from each group rolled up their sleeves, opened their tool bags and assembled bicycles for six boys between the ages of 7 and 11 and four girls, between 4 and 9.
The firm’s office, which is situated adjacent to SMILE, marked its third year Wednesday night in assembling bicycles for children assisted by Ginnie’s House, a not-for-profit safe haven for Sussex County children and families impacted by child abuse. The bikes were delivered to Ginnie’s House early Thursday morning.
Chris Colabella, one of the firm’s partners, said that during the first year, the firm opted to forgo a grab bag holiday gift exchange to purchase and assemble bicycles for Ginnie’s House; and started the tradition with his firm in his garage. In 2018 – the year that SMILE of Hopatcong opened its doors – Colabella thought it would be a great idea to partner with the residents of SMILE on the effort; he is vice president of the group’s Board of Directors.
SMILE is an acronym for the “Steven Milford Independent Living Experience,” named in honor of one of the home’s residents, the son of Allan and Patricia Milford. Friends of Colabella, the Milfords asked for assistance in developing SMILE’s business plan, explaining the plight for parents in caring for their developmentally-disabled children as both age. They also told Colabella that more than 8,000 developmentally-disabled individuals are on a state waiting list for housing. Not only did the firm end up donating land to build SMILE’s 4,700-square-foot residence, with ADA-compliant features, but SMILE hopes to build its next home for women.
Mark Gruber, one of the firm’s partners, said the law firm and SMILE residents often meet up for events; and the residents like to bake cookies and apple pies and deliver them to the firm.
“It’s awesome to have our neighbors be so close with the way they (the firm and SMILE) bond together,” said Patricia Milford, who, along with husband Allan, also helped to assemble bicycles.
For some of the SMILE residents, it was their first time helping to build bikes; and an experience that touched their hearts.
“The kids (who will be receiving them) had to come first,” said Carl Strehl, one of the newer residents. “I think they’ll be surprised.”
Arthur Blanchard, another newer resident, described the experience as “spectacular,” in being able to help.
Steven Milford, who helped with assembly during the inaugural year, said he was glad to return again to help. Along with Strehl and Blanchard, as well as housemates Robert “Nate” Bartsch and Andrew Hertel, Milford and his fellow residents sported holiday gear for the event. Milford, who wore a festive jacket and tie with self-stick gift bows for the occasion, said he also enjoyed the party with the law office.
“It’s such a good feeling to do this for others,” Gruber said.
Ginnie’s House thanks the bike building teams
Like any well-trained Santa’s helper, Colabella brought tools with him on Thursday morning for one final inspection of the bicycles. In the process, Colabella encountered what Ginnie’s House Community Resource Director Andrea Ryker called “a happy coincidence,” after Colabella bumped into one of the mothers there to pick up a bicycle. Ryker said the mother hugged Colabella after he helped her to pick out a bike for her child.
“She (the mother) seemed at a loss of words and was teary-eyed,” Ryker said.
Colabella described it as a “sweet moment and a nice surprise,” to meet the mother.
In 2018, Ryker said a father who had fallen on hard times and received one of the bicycles for his child, had started to cry and asked why people who do not know him would do this for his family.
“You can just feel the love,” Ryker said. “It’s Christmas magic. What an awesome position for us to facilitate.”
Ginnie’s House Executive Director Kristi Young said her group is grateful to have received the bikes thanks to the effort of the Law Firm of Gruber, Colabella, Thompson, Hiben & Montella and SMILE; and that Ginnie’s House reached out to the families they assist and learned which children were in need of bicycles.
Young said a number of other groups and individuals stepped up to provide items, including other gifts and grocery cards – one group sponsored an entire family.
For the cases at Ginnie’s House, Young said, many do not realize the difficulties for families, who are crime victims and the financial toll these crimes take on them. Many lose the family breadwinner, have to move or may not qualify for particular programs that can help them to bridge the gap. A bicycle for their child, may be an unaffordable luxury, which the firm and SMILE helped to make possible for the 10 children.
“It’s such an awesome thing they choose to do this,” Young said.
“It’s a good refreshing feeling (being able to help),” Colabella said. “It captures the essence of the season.”
Jennifer Jean Miller can also be reached by phone at: 973-383-1230; on Facebook: www.Facebook.com/JMillerNJH and on Twitter: www.twitter.com/JMillerNJH.