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NJ Law firm and SMILE deliver bikes and smiles

Please click here to read the original article, published by the NJ Herald and written by Jennifer Jean Miller.

HOPATCONG – When 10 children in the area look under their Christmas trees this year, shiny, new bicycles and matching helmets will be waiting for them, thanks to the efforts of about 25 local elves.

The teams from the Law Firm of Gruber, Colabella, Thompson, Hiben & Montella and SMILE of Hopatcong – a 501(c)(3) non-profit group home for developmentally-disabled men – celebrated their joint holiday party on Wednesday differently than others typically do. Rather than gift exchanges, as Christmas music floated in the air of SMILE’s community room, the teams from each group rolled up their sleeves, opened their tool bags and assembled bicycles for six boys between the ages of 7 and 11 and four girls, between 4 and 9.

Historic Newton building rebrands as co-op

Please click here to read the original article, published by the NJ Herald and written by Kyle Morel.

NEWTON – The building located at 49 High Street in Newton has been home to several businesses and residences since it was first constructed exactly two centuries ago.

First used as a residential dwelling, it has also housed a millinery, a medical office and, for the past 25 years, a law firm. Now, it has taken on yet another form accompanied by a new name: Courthouse Plaza.

Law firm rededicates building to begin new venture

Please click here to read the original article published by the Sparta Independent and authored by Mandy Coriston.

When Mark Gruber looked out an upper-story window of the Sussex County Judicial Center in 1995, he saw an old house with an auction sign, and a figurative lightbulb went on. Wouldn’t it be convenient if he and his law partners could have an office so closely accessible to the courthouse? Gruber purchased the building, and a few renovations later, he and his colleagues cut the ribbon and moved in.

SMILE of Hopatcong residents bring smiles to lives they touch

Written by Jennifer Jean Miller
This article was originally published at NJ Herald

HOPATCONG – The SMILE of Hopatcong home, which has celebrated its first year in existence, was a dream that became a reality for a couple with future concerns about an independent and caring living environment for their developmentally-disabled son.

The topic was an eye-opener for Chris Colabella, vice president of the Board of Directors for SMILE of Hopatcong and partner of the law firm Gruber, Colabella, Thompson, Hiben & Montella.

Gruber Law & SMILE team up to Fulfill Christmas Wishes

Members of the law firm Gruber, Colabella, Liuzza, & Thompson and SMILE of Hopatcong assembling bikes together

The Christmas season is about giving and Gruber Law & SMILE of Hopatcong lend their helping hands. On December 20, 2018, the attorneys and staff of Gruber, Colabella, Thompson, Hiben & Montella, in conjunction with the staff and residents of the SMILE of Hopatcong, had a joint Christmas party with a very special purpose. The SMILE of Hopatcong is an organization that develops independent living facilities for developmentally disabled individuals. The SMILE home, located at 39 Lakeside Boulevard in Hopatcong, is located right next to the Hopatcong office of the law firm. The Christmas party took place in the community room...

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Getting Out from Under a Final Restraining Order

two men sitting at a table with documents conversing

In New Jersey, specific Factors can be taken into consideration to vacate a Final Restraining Order

Final Restraining Orders in New Jersey are just that – final.  They are permanent. They do not expire and a victim does not have to have them renewed.  Without action, a Final Restraining Order will stay in effect for the rest of your life. And an accidental phone call or running into the victim while in public could result in criminal charges being filed against you for violating a Final Restraining Order. 

The Unanticipated Consequences of a Final Restraining Order

two people looking over paperwork on a wood table

two people looking over paperwork on a wood tableA Final Restraining Order in New Jersey may have surprises you aren’t aware of

If you find yourself as a Defendant in a Domestic Violence Complaint, there is often misconception about the practical implications of having a Final Restraining Order issued against you.  Many people think they simply must stay away from and avoid any contact with the alleged victim. This is a gross misunderstanding. Final Restraining Orders have far reaching and, in many instances, unanticipated consequences.

A Chance to Win a Free Last Will and Testament!

a presentation table with pens, forms, and business cards on display.

Gruber, Colabella, Liuzza and Thompson attorneys attended the Sussex County Chamber of Commerce Business Expo at the Crystal Springs Country Club.

The event was an opportunity for our firm and other local business to showcase what we can offer the local community of Sussex County and network. Everyone that had a chance to attend the event was offered the opportunity to win a FREE Last Will and Testament prepared by one of our experienced attorneys.

Convictions For Drug Offenses in New Jersey Will Leave You Walking, Even If No Car In Involved.

Any drug offenses in New Jersey can cause you to lose your driving privileges Some of the most common charges seen in the Municipal Courts in New Jersey are those under Chapter 35 and 36 of the New Jersey Code, which deals with possession and use of controlled dangerous substances, such as small quantities of marijuana, and the possession of drug paraphernalia.  In the Municipal Courts, these types of charges are considered disorderly persons’ offenses. Convictions carry with them the potential for incarceration for up to 6 months, a fine of up to $1,000. or both. It is also common to be...

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